Thursday, October 29, 2009

Sore After Lifting?

We've all felt it! We lift weights and the next day we can barely move without feeling soreness. This, however, is a good kind of sore! It means that you are getting stronger!

Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) is what you are feeling. It is caused by small tears in the muscle fibers that happen when you are lifting. Your body works to repair these tears, but it does such a great job, that it over-repairs. This results in bigger and stronger muscle! The next time you feel DOMS think about how good it feels because you are getting stronger!

Make sure to give muscles a rest in between resistance training so they have a chance to repair before you break them down again. Only lift every other day, or if you like to lift every day then alternate: lower body one day, upper body the next.


The Underwoods said...

I love looking at your site, we need to get together sometime!

Stacia said...

Thanks Melissa! I love that you reminds me that I am not just writing this stuff for myself! :)