Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Holiday Parties Without Packing On the Pounds!

Ok, so I know it has been forever since I posted..... SORRY! I have been super busy the second half of 2010. I was recovering from a knee injury, busy at work and church, my dad was even in the hospital for a bit. Anyway, I am back at it and will try to do better! :)

Here are my top 3 tips for surviving holiday parties:

  • Do not graze! All those bite-sized foods add up quick in calories. Instead of grazing, use a plate so you can visually know just how much you are eating.

  • Drink plenty of water! Before you go to a party, make sure to drink a large glass of water. Continue to drink water throughout the party. This will make you feel fuller and you will end up eating less.

  • Wear fitting clothes! If you are wearing clothes that fit just right and do not expand, you will eat less while you are wearing them.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Thigh and Butt Jiggle

Unfortunately, saddle bags have a lot to do with genetics. However, we can try to combat it with a few key exercises.

One of the best ways to trim down is running, (Christine, you already got that down!) but there are some exercises that will help you in your efforts.

  • In the middle of your run, do a few intervals of side-to-side shuffles.

  • Believe it or not, mat-work from the 80's really does work, and it works well!! Lay on your side and do leg lifts with your top leg. Then, cross your top leg over and put your foot flat on the ground. Do leg lifts with your bottom leg to work the inner thigh. Switch sides and repeat. Do 3 sets of 20-25 of each move. This exercise is better than the gym equipment that works inner and outer thighs. That equipment has weights loaded on, which will cause you to build muscle. You don't want to build muscle here!!! Instead, you want to tone it and that is what this mat-work will do.

  • One great move that will hit the butt and the saddle bags is a roundhouse kick on all fours. Get on the floor on all fours and lift your right leg to the side while maintaining a 90 degree angle in the knee. Lift until it is parallel to the ground. (squeeze butt throughout the move) Extend the knee, hold for a count, the reverse the move until you are back to the start. Complete your set, then switch legs and repeat. Do 3 sets of 20-25 on each leg.

  • Donkey kicks are another great move. These will target your butt. Get on the floor on all fours. bring your right knee in to your chest and then extend the leg back while squeezing your butt until your leg is parallel to the floor. Repeat this move to complete the set and then switch legs. Do 3 sets of 20-25 on each leg.

  • Lunges are great!! I like to do what is called a floating lunge. This will sneak in a core workout to help with your balance! Stand with feel shoulder width apart. step your right leg forward and lunge until your left knee is almost to the ground. (*Make sure your right knee is directly over your right ankle/heel) As you come back up push off that right heel and pause for a count standing upright, but with your right foot off the ground, then go into a back lunge by stepping that right foot back. Lunge until your right knee is almost touching the ground and left knee is directly over the ankle. Continue going forward and backward with your right leg (left foot never leaving) and keeping the right foot off the ground in between. Switch and repeat with the left leg. Do 3 sets of 20-25 on each leg.

  • To tone where your butt and thighs meet (as well as lower back), do supermans! Lay on the floor on your stomach. Point your toes and extend your arms (like superman, hence the name). Lift your chest off the ground while also lifting your thighs off the ground (squeeze that butt) Return to the start to complete one rep. Do 3 sets of 20-25.

  • My favorite, Kickboxing!! Kickboxing is a great all-over toner!

Try these moves and let me know if you need more!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Does anybody have any requests of something they want me to talk about? Maybe questions about workouts, different foods, or even advice on how to achieve a particular goal? Leave a comment!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Pre-Workout Eating

Do NOT work out on an empty stomach!! Even if you are working out first thing in the morning, make sure you eat something first.

Many people have the idea that if they workout on an empty stomach they will burn more fat. This is not so! A professor of mine from BYU used to always say, "Fat burns in a glucose flame." This means that you have to have glucose in your system in order to burn the fat. If you have not eaten, your body will break down some of your muscle to convert those glycogen stores into glucose. Seems kind of silly right? Why would you work out to consume some of your muscle? The point is, just make sure you eat something before you work out!

What is the best thing to eat before a work out? It is best to combine some protein with some carbs. Some examples would be apples with cheese, or whole grain toast with peanut butter. I like to keep mini Luna bars in my gym bag. When I go to the gym straight from work and have not eaten since lunch, I can get some protein and carbs for only 80 calories.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Health Math

Your overall health is only 30% exercise. Don't get me wrong, exercise is very important and should be done regularly, but make sure your nutrition is in check. Nutrition makes up 70% of your overall health.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Quote of the Day

"If you don't make your body uncomfortable, it will never change! .... Push yourself! You have no idea what your body is capable of!"

~Jillian Michaels

Thursday, January 7, 2010


It's that time of year again: everyone is making resolutions for the new year. Probably one of the most common resolution is to get in shape/ eat better/ lose weight. So many people make this resolution every year. Make this year the year that it finally sticks!

The key is to not go on some diet, but instead to make some lifestyle changes. It is OK to eat brownies and cake!!!! Just make sure you do not go overboard. Everything in moderation. Any diet that restricts a food is a bad diet. I am doing a Biggest Loser program at my work and last night I ate ice cream! I simply worked it into my calorie allowance for the day.

Try to eat more veggies and less sugar. You can still have that chocolate, just less often! Aim to drink about 100 oz water each day. Try to get in little bits of exercise whenever you can throughout your busy day. Don't park in the closest space at the store. Walk around your house while you are talking on the phone. Take the stairs. Do sit-ups, crunches, or some other exercise while you are watching your favorite television show. There are so many ways you can add extra physical activity into your day. Of course, if you have the time, take some 'you' time and go to the gym or try a workout DVD. I highly recommend the recently released "Biggest Loser Last Chance Workout".

Watch season 9 of The Biggest Loser Tuesday nights on NBC for motivation!