Friday, December 26, 2008

More for Your Abs!

This is an excerpt I took from SELF. It was featured on Yahoo's website. These exercises are amazing and you can really feel your abs working!!! Enjoy!

"We rounded up five of the most effective tummy toners around. Work three or four of these exercises into your routine (easing them in will minimize soreness). Do the number of reps indicated, resting one minute between moves. The only equipment you will need is a hand towel. Washboard abs, here you come!

Pike 90
Lie face up; raise legs until perpendicular to floor, feet flexed. Lower right leg so it hovers 1 or 2 inches off floor and place hands lightly behind head. In this position, do 15 crunches, lifting chest toward ceiling and lowering. Switch legs and repeat.

Crunchy frog
Sit with knees bent, feet flat. Keeping legs together, raise feet several inches and bring knees toward chest. Wrap arms around knees without touching legs. Extend legs and stretch arms to sides, palms forward. Return to wrapped-arm position; repeat. Do 15 reps.

Stand with feet hip-width apart, right leg in front of left, right foot turned out. Bend elbows and raise arms out to sides at shoulder level (like goalposts). In one motion, raise right knee to lowered right elbow. Return to start; switch sides and repeat to complete one rep. Do 15 reps.

Lie face up. Press legs together and raise them toward ceiling until they're at a 90-degree angle, with knees slightly bent and toes pointed. Raise butt and legs off floor using ab muscles; twist legs slightly to left. Repeat, twisting to right, for one rep. Do 15 reps.

Side arm balance
Start on floor on knees. Lean to left and place left hand on floor under shoulder; extend right arm up and to left, palm down. Straighten right legs out to right with foot on floor, resting on left knee. Hold for 5 breaths. Return to start; switch sides. Repeat twice per side. "

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Quote of the Day

"It's all about PROGRESS, not perfection."

Kim Lyons ~Personal Trainer

Monday, December 1, 2008

Arms and Abs

As requested, here are some tips on toning your arms and abs:

ABS- The good, old fashioned crunch works great on your abs. Just make sure that as you come up, you stop once your shoulder blades leave the ground. Otherwise, you are working your hip flexors rather than your abs.

The bicycle crunch is especially good because it targets the rectus abdominus (middle abs), as well as the obliques (side abs).

Tightening your ab muscles while doing any workout, as well as throughout your day, helps to tone them.

Doing crunches on a stability ball or Bosu ball forces the abs to work extra because you are not just doing a crunch, but also maintaining balance. A stability ball can be purchased at Target or Wal-mart for $15-$20. A Bosu ball looks like a ball cut in half and mounted to a board. They run about $99. While they are a good investment because you can do so many exercises with them, they are a little pricey! Most fitness clubs should have one available for use.

Any balancing exercise will work your ab muscles. Many yoga routines will engage the abs.

ARMS- My favorite way to tone the arms is to do kickboxing while holding 3-5lb hand weights. This will tone arms, shoulders, and upper back.

Push-ups are another great way to tone this area. It is important that you protect your lower back by holding in your core strength. If you feel any stress in your lower back, drop to your knees and do push-ups from that position.

To target your triceps, I love doing nose breakers. Lay on your back (on a bench or stability ball) with hand weights. hold weights straight up, palms facing each other, and then bend your arms so your elbows are in a 90 degree angle. The weights will be right above your face, hence the name nose breakers! Straighten arms and repeat. When I am done with a set I like to go into a nose breaker position and see how long I can hold it.

Good old fashioned bicep curls are great. Hold hand weights, keep your elbows tucked in to your sides, and curl those weights up. It is important that you do not rock your body to thrust the weights up. your arms should be the only thing moving, otherwise they are not getting the full workout. If you need help with this, put your back against a wall to keep your body from rocking.

I hope this is helpful. I will post more as I think of them! Have fun, but be careful!